EMET: Ecton Mine Educational Trust

The Ecton Mine Educational Trust has been formed with the principal aim of promoting education in applied geology, mining and mineral extraction. Thanks to the generosity of Mrs Elizabeth Cox, the Trust is the owner of the relevant mineral rights of and the study centre at the 18th century Ecton Copper Mines in the Peak District National Park.
The Trust provides the facilities for school and university teachers to run one-day or two-day field courses that introduce young people to subjects relevant to the minerals industry. Most such courses are run by the Ecton Hill Field Studies Association, a group of enthusiastic volunteer schoolteachers, as can be seen from our Calendar page. Their courses take into account the latest changes in the National Curriculum, and in the specifications for A Level Geology and Chemistry and involve both surface and underground geology, mineral identification and mineral separation. A safe level underground area reached through an adit is used for part of the instruction. Ecton has the capacity for at least 800 students a year to take part in its courses.E
Located in beautiful countryside, Ecton is also interesting for environmental studies. The mine is available for other study purposes in line with the Trust’s objectives: to preserve, for the benefit of the public, Ecton Mine and all its shafts and adits.
The Trust has been refurbishing the buildings on the site, and there is an ongoing programme to improve the facities as funds permit. It is now named “The G A Cox Study Centre” in memory of Ecton’s former owner who worked for many years to make the minerals industry interesting and attractive to voung people.
Work has been carried out to secure 40 shafts and adits within the Trust’s mineral ownership of much of the Ecton hillside, most of which is Open Access land. These are fenced, fitted with warning notices and are regularly inspected. The Trust owns some of the land around the training centre, dressing floor, waste dumps, and around the Deep Ecton adit, by the riverside. It owns the mineral rights over a large area of Ecton Hill and is responsible for maintenance and safety of the mine workings in this area. It has also assisted landowners in ensuring the safety of some of the related mine workings on adjacent land.
The Trust would not be able to function without the support of its many volunteers who offer their valuable time to promote the Trust’s objectives.
Ecton Mine Educational Trust is a company Limited by Guarantee No. 555044 and a registered charity No. 1112892
Commercial organisations, industry associations, professional institutions and individuals are invited to become members of the Trust. Please click here to email for further information.