The Trust works in partnership with local land owners, tenants and other organisations, such as The National Trust, Historic England, and Peak Park Authority to preserve and restore the important historical and environmental features of Ecton. Volunteers and contractors work to keep the Ecton hill safe for visitors and livestock.
When visiting Ecton (and any other historic mining area) please be aware that fences and shaft caps may become unstable and previously unknown hazards may become active. Always remain at a safe distance from workings and never throw stones or other items down shafts, there may be people below. If you spot a hazard on the hill please contact a trustee and report it.
The mine workings fall within the scope of the Mines Regulations 2014. The Trust is the mine operator and all the regularly visited areas of the mine are inspected for safety by qualified trust members and periodically by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Mines. All activities in the active areas of the mines are assessed for risk and are managed by competent persons. Access to all other mine workings on Ecton hill is controlled by the trust; please do not attempt to remove barriers or shaft caps to gain access. The mine infrastructure needs constant maintenance – of shafts, fences, and ladderways. The Trust is also actively improving the facilities and the fabric of the G A Cox Study Centre. Maintenance is expensive and it is only with the continuing support of our corporate and institutional members that Ecton can maintain the required high levels of safety for those attending courses, for those visiting Ecton for scientific research, and for the general public. The physical implementation of safety measures – erecting and maintaining fences, capping shafts, ensuring safe access to the mine and the study centre – is done or managed by a small number of enthusiastic, experienced, and qualified volunteers.
In October 2018, a major operation was undertaken to restore the outermost 15 metres of the Deep Ecton adit, which was progressively becoming dangerous, with the use of ‘temporary’ steel supports. The work had become uregnt because of gradually growing bulges in the drystone walls of the arched outer section of the adit.