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EHFSA: Ecton Hill Field Studies Association

Ecton Hill Field Studies Association organises activities for School, College and University groups, Geological Societies, U3A and other groups studying Geology, Science or History of Science/Technology and general interest groups.
All activities include an underground visit to see the mineralisation, and understand how the miners were able to make the mine such a profitable enterprise. Most activities include a hill walk to see evidence of past mining techniques and the engine house, built to install the Boulton and Watt steam engine.
A record of our recent activities is provided in the Newsletter .


Curriculum Activities are curriculum-related, structured events lasting a full day.
A Level Chemistry Activity Days and KS4 Chemistry Activity Days also include some practical Chemistry, relating to the minerals occurring in the Ecton ore body.
The A Level Geology Activity Days generally concentrate on field work techniques, mineralisation and engineering geology appropriate to the specifications of both the OCR and the WJEC.


Other School Activities for KS2 pupils upwards can be arranged for general interest with the opportunity to undertake Science/Geology-based activities or with an emphasis on specific aspects of the history and geology of the Ecton Mine.  These school activities cover many aspects of the National Curriculum at KS2, although the programme is more flexible than the structured Curriculum Activity days and the day is usually of shorter duration.
Activities for General or Special Interest groups are available for any type of group of adults, or adults with children. Visitors can enjoy an underground visit, hear the fascinating story of the historic Ecton mines, and how science was developed and applied to the winning of an important metal – copper. These activities are tailored to suit the interests of the visiting group.


Several University Level groups regularly visit Ecton to add a new dimension to their programmes.  The site provides obvious interest for Chemistry, Geology, Mining and Minerals Processing groups.  PGCE Tutors use Ecton for their students to plan an off-site visit for school students and to appreciate the importance of fieldwork in motivating children and improving learning in Science.
University Tutors can either leave the leadership of such courses to the EHFSA tutors or take the lead themselves.


For information and assistance with activites please contact Susan Wilkinson on or 01732 456997 – or if all else fails, contact Bob Thompson on  01889 882363 

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